Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More of Him Less of Me

Imagine with me would you? Every morning you wake up to a world unfamiliar to your eyes. From the floor you walk on in a foreign house to the smells that float in the breeze as you exit into the open air. The vegetation is decorated with a tropical display that brings songs of melody to your heart and an ocean mist that lingers on your face. You’re surrounded by people with sun kissed skin but possess such beautiful dark chocolate eyes without the reflection of the Son. Their tongue speak of words that are slowly becoming familiar to your new ears, but yet not familiar enough to communicate the True meaning of Life. At moments you’re left with a longing, a desire to know the language in such a way, while other times it brings a drifting heart of doubt. There are days of victories and others nights of defeat. Where is my hope? My hope comes from Him! The Maker of heaven and earth!

 Though finding your niche in a place such as this does not seem settled yet, there is a new perspective on the horizon. You no longer find strength in what you are doing or what you have done or how affective you are, but your strength is found in the shelter of His wing. When you’re resting, trusting and abiding in HIM your focus transitions from your own hands to His feet; when you’re on your knees.

Therefore, by His strength I live in Him and through Him. Let our lives become more like a child’s; dependent on their Father for everything. I will boast in Him alone!

Going back to America the need still remains. Yes the need to proclaim the Good News, and the need to keep my perspective on His feet not my hands. My opportunity for sharing should not be measured by what I can do, but what He is already doing, what He has already done through His Son.

Let this heart rejoice and bring thanksgiving to His name.

Time with the locals has been phenomenal. Ashton and I continue to be active in the English Club as well as building relationships with the locals and our Team. Recently Ashton and I have returned from our travels to another area in the country for our visas. During our visa trip we were able to lodge with our homestay’s relatives. We were blessed in so many ways during this trip. Honestly, it is probably one of the biggest highlights of our overseas experience. This is not primarily due to the sites we experienced or even the food we tried (though it was a sweet addition), but because of our Southeast Asian Homestay Family. Leaving the area of my Homestay’s relatives was very difficult. I felt like I was leaving a place of familiarity, even though I was only there for 3 days. What precious moments these are when you are embraced with the tender arms of my Asian Grandma or holding the hand of my Asian Mom. When their words of love are spoken toward me they resonate within my core. I find my heart growing in a deeper love with every moment spent with them. The Harvest is ready here. I see the soil being tended and prepared. I must be patient. I must wait upon the Great Farmer.

In time, our house is becoming more and more like a home. We have curtains, a stove top, a boxed oven (very interesting oven compared to the American oven. Still don’t know how to work it yet) and a new row of cabinets with a sink that has been recently installed. Here in Southeast Asia you learn a lot about living. But it’s not just learning how to live life in another place. Really you learn about life in general. You learn things about yourself, others, the Father, the Son and the Spirit. Life continues no matter where you are. I’m thankful that the Good King knows me better than I know myself. I have seen that He has placed me here for a purpose. The purpose to bring light into the darkness, proclaim His name, for the Son to become more in my life and less of me, and finally He has brought me here for the continuation in captivating my heart so that I will be even more intimately bound to Him and Him alone.

He alone shall be King over all! Let us Rejoice in His Name!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Moments, Memories and Life in the Making

Finally in our new home! It is a very quant but a humble home in which I am honored to call mine. The roof is made of sky blue shingles with textured cloudy concrete covering the outer walls of the house. Inside the home we have been blessed with many cultural details including a rosy pink tiling for our flooring, squatty potties, and an outdoor kitchen.  Though there are 3 American ladies living here, who have added their own interior décor taste, much of the Southeast Asia influence still remains. I think the two blends of culture complement each other very well. 

As for our neighbors we are very thankful for the intentional neighbors we have. They are already protective of us and eager to be a part of our lives; the older lady right next to us especially. Ohhh how precious this little lady is. Ok so a little background on this woman: She is short, cute, and very very talkative. The interesting thing is is that she doesn’t speak the local language here…. She speaks a tribal language in which I am not familiar with. Therefore, the conversations typically consist of her talking and talking and talking about whatever her little heart desires and us girls smiling and laughing whenever she smiles and laughs. We nod in agreement and frown when appropriate and wrap our arm around her shoulders when she wraps her arm around our waist. Even the other day she brightened our day by exhorting us to the house of the director in our neighborhood. Each neighborhood in our area has a director over the neighborhood. Therefore, when someone is moving in or if there is any issues in the neighborhood the residence must report to the director. She was very funny in the meeting with our director and honestly I don’t even think our director knew what she was talking about the entire time!  I look forward to more moments with her during our stay!

Today, Ashton and I were able to do more motorcycle lessons with our roommate Rachel. The lessons are well needed and very valuable to our skills on the road. However, due to the need for yet more lessons, Ashton and I continue to take the local transportation around our city. Local transportation definitely has its pros and cons. Pros: we always have a story to tell after we get off the local transportation. Another pro is the time where Ashton and I can learn and practice our local language with nationals who ride with us. Though we typically discuss the same things over and over again but I never get tired of same conversations. 

As for the cons they are more targeted toward the extensive time we spend on the public transportation. It takes us almost 3x longer on the public transportation vs. the motorcycle. To say the least Ashton and I are very excited for the day where we can be more independent with our travel and use our time in a different manner. We both agree: time on the local transportation has NOT been a waste of time by any means, but the motorcycle will be a huge blessing to this next transition in our stay here. In ways I will miss our local transportation moments….. Actually to help with such missing I might have to leave my motorcycle at homes some days and jump on the local transportation again.

Life is different here and the Father is using the differences to stretch us in a variety of ways. I continue to ask the Father what it means to live here on a daily basis. I want to “finish the task” He has set before us. Even when I leave this place I do not want to stop being fervent for the Kingdom. My hope is as I am being poured out like an offering here so will I continue to be poured out wherever HE sends me. My motivation and attitude and my desire for the Father should not be based on a place, but my growing understanding and yearning for His Will to be done. I want to work hard for the Father, not in a legalistic way, but in a way that is pleasing to Him. I want my life to be a sweet aroma to my King. I am so thankful He has lifted the veil from my eyes. Because of His Spirit I recognize that He did not just lift that veil from my eyes for my own good, but also so that I can be used as a vessel for His purpose in unveiling the eyes of others. He is my strength, my hope and the very reason I am alive. By His workings in my heart, I deepen my love and longing for the Son. Let this life be “More of Him and Less of Me.”