Thursday, December 13, 2012


Blowing from the far north to the deep south stretching to the sunny east expanding across the wild west, the seasons of life enter into our homes in a variety of forms and directions. Such seasons hold special importance and impactful lessons leading to our growth in the momentary time on earth. I have found a consistent presence of our Faithful Father in every transition of unfamiliar territory. He uses these periods to refine His children while sanctifying and transforming them progressively into His holiness. Through life the Father further displays His faithfulness and goodness by providing fellow believers alongside the journey. Because of Him and his unending grace I am richly blessed.  At the present moment I find myself shifting from one distinct season to another. Within a few days I am to say goodbye to my cherished friends and unique moments in Southeast Asia as I warmly welcome my family and loved ones in the States.

The experience in Southeast Asia has been profitable, rewarding, and unforgettable. My heart will never be the same. Though I may look the same outwardly, inwardly I am not the equivalent person I was six months ago. The Great Almighty has moved many, many mountains inside of me. Again, only by the Almighty can I ever become more like His Son each day. At times, these changes can be difficult, painful even. But I have found a great hope in His continued work through all my muck and mire while He brings me into His glory. I still have mountains to be moved in my heart. But these mountains should not be my prime focus. My focus should rest in the sight of the Son who is capable of conquering all mountains in me. Quite incredible when you thing about it: me, a sinful and unworthy creature, saved by the blood of the Son so that I will one day stand blamelessly in front of the Perfect King. Truly, I have done nothing to deserve favor in His eyes. By His powerful, gracious and loving hand he has molded me into a justified adopted daughter, chosen to dwell in His courts forever.  

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
Many moments of memory have taken place here in Southeast Asia; too many to count and too valuable to choose only a few. Therefore, I will continue to exalt His name, He ultimate is responsible for the joy I hold in my heart and movement of truth in this land! Praise His name! Oh Nations Praise His Name! He is worthy of all glory, praise and recognition! There is no one like Him in the entire universe! My pr*yer for all believers:

“I keep asking the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pr*y also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. The power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in the Son when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms.”

Those who keep their life will lose it but those who lose their life will gain it! He is the purpose for our very breathe. One day all knees shall bow and every tongue will confess Him as King!
Great thanks and appreciation towards all our pr*yer warriors and supporters! We are exceedingly grateful! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Temporary is Fading

Who are they; those who trot hopelessly to their ruin with the invisible rider lashing their backs till raw skin remains? Each one limited by the stiff blinders shielding either side of their eyes, blocking and impairing their peripheral vision. They are like show horses: doing as they are told, practicing misleading teachings, fixed in a trance, while remaining thoughtless toward their untrustworthy owner.

Naturally, we are born as children of wrath, led by the Prince of the Air. When we remained in the authority of the evil one we were obedient to his command and enslaved by the chains of wickedness. Only through grace, given by the Most High, are we ever freed. There is a great war in our mist. From the beginning of time until the present moment there is an ongoing battle for our souls. The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking to devour anyone available to his claws. Greed, hate and the consuming desire for control has become his mistress.

More often than not, we forget about these hidden powers. We are distracted by the temporary, visible things we experience on a daily bases. We have forgotten about the battle. Instead, we have surrounded ourselves with blankets of safety and settle in the sweetness of forgiveness and love, while ignoring the trumpet blast for the Saints to enter into battle. As believers we are instructed to follow our fearless leader, the Sacrificial Lamb, taking up our cross as we leave behind our own lives. We are to stand firm on the victory of the Son as we equip ourselves with the King’s Armor. Our lives were not spared so that we may build walls of security for ourselves, but to build upon His great and everlasting Kingdom. The task may seem difficult, even painful due to the demand of dismissing a life of self-gratification. He is worthy! Let us rest knowing He never leaves us nor forsakes us. His promises last for eternity and fulfilled to completion.

“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

The illustration of the horse was originally inspired by a newly acquainted friend from Spain. It’s amazing how you can meet people from across the world in such a place as ours. Ashton and I had the opportunity to befriend this woman from Spain during her time of vacation. After conversing with her we found later on she claimed to have had similar beliefs as we did. But as we dug deeper into her understanding, sadly her realization of ultimate truth was dismissed over tradition. The tradition overtook truth, leaving her with an empty knowledge of the Son’s power and importance. She was raised in a country that saw ultimate truth simply as another religion used as moral practices, not a revolutionary life giving gift of grace. She refused to believe the Son to be the way, truth, and life. She further rejected the Son to be the only way people can come to the Father and enter into eternity. She believed if you are a good enough person you will receive entrance into heaven. The wrath of the Father and His perfect glory seemed unimportant to her.

How often this happens! So many people have a higher view of people than they do toward the Father and Son. It is so important for Believers to cling to truth and engage in scripture. Otherwise, we turn our focus from the Son onto people. We twist our priorities and lower our view of the King. Though the Son has revived the souls of Believers, the enemy can still twist and manipulate the mind. Be alert. Be self-controlled. But always cast your anxiousness on Him who cares for you. We are not in this battle alone. We have the Body of the Son and the Spirit within.

Our hope remains in the Son. In addition to that hope, it truly is a blessing to see the Father’s hand over this place. Ashton and I have been blessed in encounters among local believers here. They continue in their efforts for the Kingdom as their fire burns brightly because of the Son! The Father is moving, stirring and rising up His people in this area. This is encouraging for our hearts, especially when there is still much darkness dwelling here. Recently, Ashton and I witnessed the largest festival in our area, the Tabot Festival. This festival originated from Iran. The festival began due to mourning over the death of Muhammad’s grandson. The festival was then taken from Iran to our area. As the years have passed animism has crept in causing fear among the locals. Many believe if our Southeast Asian city does not participate in such festival, our city will be left in ruins. There are many evil presences here that have even harmed the very bodies of the disobedient individuals who do not contribute to the Tabot.

This life is but a breath. Use it accordingly, for only He is worthy of every moment of that breath. Let our perspective be eternity focused, not a temporary focus on the fading things of this world. No longer participate in the pattern of this world, but be renewed in your mind so that you can test and approve of what His Will is, His good, and pleasing and perfect Will!

I can’t believe how fast the time here has gone…… I literally cannot grasp time. I feel like a completely different person even in these 6 months. The Father has been gracious in His patience with me. I have much to understand as His child. I’m thankful for His presence and consistency in my life. In Ashton and I’s last moments here we ask for much pr*yer. We desire to share the Good News to these people: Pr*y for divine appointments, boldness, and words from the Spirit. Furthermore, I ask personally that the verses from Romans 12 and 2 Peter 1 with echo in my heart and mind. I cling to the promise of His work coming to completion in me. How much I yearn to know Him more. How much I crave to please Him. Pr*y my heart will continue to grow in the knowledge and desire for the Son. Thank you for your constant support in our efforts here. The unity among Believers is always a comfort and joy to be a part of.

Following verses:

Romans 12

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another n brotherly love. Honor another above yourselves. Never be lacking n zeal but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Father. Be joyful n hope, patient n affliction, and faithful in prayer. Share with the Father’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for the Father’s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

2 Peter

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness, and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control; and self-control, perseverance, and to perseverance, godliness and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of the Son. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.




Thursday, November 1, 2012

Counting All As Rubbish

Considering yourself more than you ought comes with ease. For a humbled and contrite heart it must enter into the fire of affliction and refinement. Placing yourself above others originates naturally. Sacrificing, and surrendering your life for the sake of your neighbor, brother, sister, stranger or enemy reaches far beyond the human nature’s capability. Sitting tall and comfortably in the crippling chair amongst the scoffers strengthens the beast within. Kneeling before your accusers, with a controlled tongue and the absence of defense on your lips glorifies the Everlasting King.

“He must become greater I must become less.”

Your heart is truly the wellspring of life. If the heart contains self-seeking intentions and filthy motives your actions flow from the contents within. Foolish are those who believe their dirt can be sweep underneath a removable rug. Though, for a time the grime may be hidden from the naked eye, the Father sees and searches all. The Father understands perfectly and distinguishes His creation better than the very created knows itself. He knows when they sit, when they rise, and can even perceive their thoughts from afar. He is familiar with all their ways and before a word touches their tongue He discerns it completely.

If we aren’t trying to hide our dirt, we are fixing ourselves, or at least attempting to. Why can’t we rest in His power over sin? Why can’t we lay down our defenses and narrow-minded thinking? Why do we have this need to be in control? Give up. Surrender. If you are spending all your time cleaning up your sin, your eyes are taken away from the Son. The focus sets on the depravity of your life and not on the Victory over death. Yes, please recognize your NEED for the Son. Yes, please see there is nothing inside you that is good, except His presence. But don’t forget about His grace, power, love, majesty, desire, reign and glory! If our focus is more on self than the Ultimate Goal we need to get realigned!

“Seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness!”

Life is like a breath. Time here continues to seep through my fingers just a sand trickles down the curves of an hour glass. Honestly, taking hold of everything I am given here is not an easy task. There are many moments I had in which I did not fully take advantage of, but I am learning! I am young in my understanding and the greatness of the Almighty. I am still trying to grasp the obedience in living life for the King, but oh how gracious He is toward me. His grace does not give me excuses to be lazy, selfish, nor fickle whenever I choose to be. However, His grace does free me from guilt and regret. He sovereignly guides my steps in the impressions of His Son’s footprints. His grace allows my heart to repent and learn and grow in His incomparable wisdom.

One of my greatest joys being in Southeast Asia is the deepened desire and understanding of the Father and the Son. He continues to reveal himself to this undeserving being. How incredible this gift is. He has challenged me and refined me through the Active Word and among the various people here. I never knew how wonderful, trying, painfully glorious it is to be in the midst of a different culture and in the fellowship of like-minded people. The Father sends us to places, crosses our paths with certain people, and has intimately arranged our very bodies for His purpose. And through His purpose He draws our hearts to His.

Recently, Ashton and I continue to seek locals in the community for extended information in our furthering research on their culture. During the interviews, we have had a handful of opportunities to share the good news. What an amazing role we have been given in shining truth bearing light in a darkened world! Humbling to know he uses the weak to share this incredible message to all people. Though the role brings much excitement, it also brings many challenges. We have to be patient in the harvest. Seems in many of our conversations the seed will fall on soil and even beings to sprout. But when we return for a follow up and more in-depth conversations we discover the sprouted seed had been shriveled by the heat or choked by thorny thistles. These trying instances remind us where true joy comes from, the SON.  We are not promised to see results or people to be unveiled from a life of lies nor promised reaping from what has been sown, but we are giving lasting promises in His name: He is our good shepherd.

“I know my sheep and my sheep know me- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father- and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of the sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me so that I lay down my life- only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.”

We have a calling given to us by the Almighty: to share His name across the globe! But the sending out should never trump over the recognition of His Glory and unstoppable power!

Consider Isaiah: When Isaiah stood before the Throne Isaiah witness the great, breathtaking, earth shaking splendor bursting from the radiance of the Everlasting King. In the mist of this incredible scene the King called out: “Who will go for us and who will I send.” Isaiah said, “Send me!”  The King sent Isaiah to desolate people; desolate people who neither desire truth nor accepted truth! They despised truth! Yet, Isaiah went not for the people, but out of obedience, desire, and awe struck wonder for the Majesty! Isaiah’s desire in sharing the good news first sprung from his aspiration for the King! Often we place others before the King. Anything before the King is idolatry, even if the works being done seems wrapped in truth, if it takes the place of HIM it is only bloody, filthy, reeked packed rags.

My point: First seek Him. First recognize and worship His holy name. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through fa*th –and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of the King – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are the Creator’s workmanship, created in the Son to do good works, which the Creator prepared in advance for us to do!”

Let us remember to trust in His control and reign over all. Let us not get lazy in our command. But let us go forth with zeal for His Kingdom! Let us go forth in zeal for His name and Glory!

This week Ashton and I witness our first animal sacrifice. There are mixed views in our people’s perspective toward animal sacrifice. Some believe it is a commemoration on behalf of Abraham’s obedience towards the command given from the Great Father to sacrifice his son (not Isaac but Ishmeal in their belief). They celebrate the replacement the Great Father gave instead of Abraham’s son dying on the stony alter. Others believe it is the anointing for their sins. Honestly, either view misses the complete point of the story. They do not grasp the prevision of a substitution sacrifice provided by the Great Father to atone sins forever. Meaning the substitution sacrifice was not given to just one son, but the substitution sacrifice was for all men by the death of one, perfect man, the Great Father’s Son!

The sight was repulsive. I’ve never seen blood spilled in such quantities like the cow slopped into the prepared hole next to its neck. I admit I’ve never seen even an animal butchered in America……. So consequently it was slightly shocking for my stomach. The images and the nausea did not compare to the following happenings. The climax of this display came when a woman in the crowd dipped both her bare feet in the pool of blood. In their eyes, in their understanding the blood brings healing…… How far this understanding is from the truth: She was covered by the wrong blood. Only the blood of the Son can heal her.





Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Much to Say

Walking in His Footsteps

The narrow road in which the sons of the Most High seek is a passage journeyed by few. This narrow road is undesirable to the blind, but is the way for those with open and enlightened eyes. You cannot come by climbing over brick-layered walls, nor through man-made tunnels. Entry is possible by one approach: the Gate. The Gate echoes life from the very beginning of creation. The Gate stands alone, baring blood of the only perfect sacrifice worthy of satisfying the righteous wrath.

The passage is difficult. A common soul will fail in such conditions. With common strength and common understanding an individual will not last. Thankfully those who enter through the Gate are accompanied by much grace: a never-ending burning lamp for their feet, the Spirit of truth, and are well guided by the Great Shepherd.

The sons of the Most High are Sojourners in the world. They walk in a world governed by the prince of darkness. How he shrivels at the mere sound of the Good News. The enemy will try to destroy the work of truth. But he is limited in power for he is still under the everlasting reign of the Almighty. Unexpected turmoil and suffering will bruise and puncture the bodies of the Sojourners, but nothing can destroy the joy filled, revived heart within their chest. The pumps of their hearts no longer beat for self, the self-lived life which will soon perish in the grave, but beats for the glorious Almighty King.

Because their hearts beat for He who reigns their purpose remains in His unchangeable will. He sends them out declaring His name. The name above all names. He is worthy. He is worthy for us to leave behind comforts, safety and yes even dearly loved ones; for all will fade, all things will pass, but it is He who will last forever. Let us build our houses on the Rock, let us forsake out lives of idolatry and live lives of true worship to the One who is deserving.

Great are the blessings of the Almighty.

My Culture Exposed Darlings

What a delight to embrace your loved ones for the first time in the last four months. Indescribable! The time with my parents and Caleb was a dynamic and unforgettable time. During their stay our personal relationships with one another matured, worldviews challenged, new friendships formed, and hearts drawn toward the harvest in the foreign and domestic lands.

Their engagement in the culture was edifying, encouraging and exciting! I was thankful for their efforts, even with their attempts in language. I thought they all did a fantastic job coming alongside me in my continued time here in Southeast Asia.

We had many memories made in my small city of Southeast Asia. The beginning to my favorite moments took place in the English Club. After their introduction, my loved ones divided into different places around the room as I found my place among friends in the English Club. I loved watching them engage with the locals by sharing their lives, stories, and discovering differences between cultures. Later my family, Caleb and I instructed and exampled for the students: First Response, Heimlich maneuver, and CPR as the lesson for the evening. The lesson was a blast! I was excited to see the teamwork within my loved ones and the response from the college students. Everyone seems to be having a good time!

Peewee Motorcycles

This was an experience in itself! My family drove motorcycles in the crazy traffic of my country during their stay! It was exhilarating, hilarious, interesting, nerve-racking, and heightened stress all at the same time! I will never forget the high shrinks of my mother and the roaring laughter of my father as they swerved around the unexpected potholes and oversized trucks for their first night ride. But there was so much they were able to see and witness. They saw the uniqueness of the culture face to face while riding alongside the locals. The rides provided insight as well as common ground with new people they met. Mother never missed a moment with her camera in one hand and her other arm tightly strapped around my father. Thankfully my father and Caleb did splendid in their driving on the unfamiliar roads. Each location we arrived safely with always a new story to tell.

Volcano Kaba

Please let me give you a visual of the start to our adventure for the day. First, we all (Dad, Mom, Caleb, Ashton, roommate/dear friend Rachel, dear local friend Delita, our driver and I) piled into a vehicle at 6:50am for our 2 hours drive to the mountains where are volcano resided. We were warned it would be at least a 5 hour hike minimal for out hiking expedition. Once arrived at the base of the trail we began trekking up a skinny, broken asphalt path, while surrounded by overgrown vegetation and the loud hollers of nearby jungle monkeys! Wow.

We have met our match: The slopes of all slopes. But our hopes of reaching the top kept our legs moving even while our calves burnt due to sharp incline.

Thankfully our driver had returned to the village to send for assistance. Motorcycle men to the rescue! As we were halfway a few of us boarded the backs of the pegless motorcycles to reach the top! When we all finally arrived the view was well worth the climb! It was spectacular! I have never seen the Father’s creation in such a way! The odor of rising sulfur incapacitated magma resting beneath the crust and enclosed by magnificent towering pillars of rocks covered by the majestic clouds. It was time of amazement, fellowship and challenge for our bodies.

Ultimate Frisbee - Rustic Style

On this particular day our place of game was located in a dried, dusty concealed field situated directly down our street. Every Sunday evening many locals and foreigners gather together to play Ultimate Frisbee. While my mom sat in the nearby grass chatting and taking photos with the girls, I played alongside my Dad and Caleb. The time was full of astounding catches and victories! Caleb used his long arms to block throws while a young local all gave us a run for our money!

Wrap Up

Overall, the time spend together was rewarding. I not only have the blessing to connect with locals in this culture, but now I have the blessing to share that connection with my family and Caleb. Thank you Dad, Mom and Caleb for constantly investing into my life and joining me in my time here. I am very grateful for your support and dear love for me.

New Ongoing Exploration of Southeast Asia Culture

The ball of snow is rolling down the mountainside with great speed and increasing mass! So thrilling! Ashton and I have many locals who are so willing to assist and accompany us in learning about their culture. Memorable conversations and impactful connections have left us with hearts of excitement, desire and encouragement. The King is gracious to His children. He has provided much for us, in this we rejoice!

Our main help has been through our Homestay Family and a friend of the English Club. They have provided interviewees, translation, and new information. Recently, we have been taught about traditional dances of our region, the upcoming festival: Tabot, and are now partaking in the International Seminar that is occurring on the University campus. The first night of the seminar, Ashton and I were invited to a formal dinner. We ate traditional food and enjoyed fantastic performances. There were two specific performances displayed: a traditional dance representing the hardworking labors of the rice fields, and the other a dance representing the traditional bride and groom. They were all exquisite in their movements covered in mesmerizing colors of fabric. As for the melody, the dancers where accompanied by the beating sounds of men playing skinned covered drums as they bellowed in a variety of tones.

We continue to find the beauty of this place. But we must never allow beauty to overlook the needs in this area.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Focus on The Son

Focus on the Son
I am captivated by His incomparable majesty, unwavering faithfulness, unconditional mercy, and mysterious power. His authority always remains, He never changes and His love last for eternity.
I was once dead. I was dead in my disobedience and trespass toward the Most High; separated from truth, from light, and from hope. How can dead people chose life? Can a dead person save themselves from the charges of sin? It can’t be done. It is impossible! But by the grace of the Most High and the blood of the Son I have been pardoned. He has adopted me as His very daughter. How could I want anything more than Him?
However, even after my adoption I struggled with my old self, my sin. For so long I still felt the charges of sin weigh heavily on my shoulders. After I was revived from death, I believed by my own efforts would make me like the Son. With my effort to fix my sin it seemed to disappear for maybe a week, or a month, but then that very sin came back again and again! I was trying to clean the outside when it was the inside that needed a Healer. All I did was displaying myself as a white washed tomb. I couldn’t escape death on my own why would I think I could handle the power of evil on my own? The King did not release me from death to then desert me and expect me to fend for myself. No, he saved me from death so that I would depend and trust in Him for my progressive progress in becoming like the Son; for only He has the power over evil. We are in a spiritual battle. I will always have sin tempting me, twisting truth, and trying to separate me from the King, but I can REST knowing that I don’t need to fight on my own. The King doesn’t want me to correct myself. He wants my focus to move from my sin to the Focus on The Son.
For the rest of the life I have been giving the greatest thing to do is: Praise His Name. I was taken from death to life to bring Him glory. I am a redeemed child to forever worship the Son. Is there anything better a human can do but to abide in the Creator? He is worth y of all the Glory. All Glory belongs to Him!
Fall is in the Air kind of, just not in Southeast Asia
There are many other things to celebrate though! Ashton’s parents came to Southeast Asia this week! They connected well with the locals, especially with the college students and our Homestay Parents. Ashton’s parents have a great excitement for the work being done and a great hope for all the nations. It was good to have new blood on the field, especially well-known faces. J They are encouraging and brought many instants of laughter; especially when Ashton’s mom danced with a local woman! It left quite an impression. Hahahaha! The time of their stay flew by, but the moments given were memorable. Ashton and I are very thankful for their coming and the continued support of our loved ones. I am very grateful for the Body of the Son. Thank you Steve and Janeen for taking the time to be with us!
Speaking of loved ones – mine will be here shortly! So exciting, exciting to see them once again and to show them my side of the world! I very much look forward to the time spent with my family and Caleb, and the many moments they will have with the locals. It feels unreal that they will be here in less than 5 days! I am honored that my family and Caleb have sacrificed their time and money to come all the way around the world to see me and to take part in the work here. What an incredible blessing! I’m excited to dialogue with them about what they have tasted, seen, and heard from their new environment! There will be many adjustments such as: jetlag, the abundance of fried food, weather, and culture in general!  I am so thankful that I get to share this piece of my life with my loved ones in such a way.
Continue to keep Ashton and I in your thoughts and pr*yers. We need to be discerning, but bold with the moments the Good King gives us. By His Will we will continue in the relationships we have here amongst the locals, with the hope of them coming to the knowledge of truth. Please also pr*y for unity while Ashton and I are sharing. The Father continues to provide in this way which is amazing; but we still must be on guard against the schemes of the enemy! The English Club has about 18 Students that arrive regularly! This is wonderful! This allows continued building on the same relationships which helps a lot with being intentional. While my parents and Caleb are here they will help me in the Health Topics for English Club next week. We will be discussing the Heimlich maneuver, 1st response (ex. Motorcycle accidents) and safe drinking water. Most of our topics must be more interactive than performed in a teaching style. Therefore, we’ll have to get crafty with our delivery! But I do believe these topics will be profitable for their knowledge, especially motorcycle accidents and the safe water. These are very common issues in my area and need to be addressed.

Until then let us all seek the Son. Let our eyes be fixed on the One who has conquered death!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Light of the World

How many more times will the ugly beast show its hideous face? It lurks behind every corner seeking to kill, steal and destroy life. The beast is never satisfied but continues in its vain pursuit to devour all who hold breathe in their lungs. The beast is without mercy, grace, or love; only death is its possession. I am but prey to its greedy claws. I am helpless, for my strength is not enough to defeat my enemy!

Woe to me a woman who deserves such fate. For I have fallen far from the Perfect Law where I remain guilty on the judgment stand. Shackles of sin are strapped to my wrist and ankles; weight that I cannot carry on my own. My weary arms collapse near my side and my head hangs low. I am without any hope of redemption. My eyes begin to shut with the blurry vision of darkness enclosing around me. I draw in my last gasp of air while salty tears roll down my face. Just as my forefathers were long ago, I too have become a slave to sin.

            Out of the darkness I hear a cry, “It is finished!” My chains break free from my body and I am set apart from such bondage. The Light of the World with holes in His hands picks me up from the ground. With radiance in His voice He says He has paid my debt. He says that I alone belong to Him. He says I am Redeemed from the Law for I am now under Grace. Praises to the One who defeated my debt, who defeated the Sin of the World! He sit on the right hand of the Father where He is forever praised! We were made to Worship Him!

            Let us be on guard against the enemy; captivating every thought and making it obedient to the Father. Let us rest in the strength of the Son as we continue in the Battle. Let our thoughts no longer dwell in the oppression of Sin but in the Victory of the Son. May our lives be not of legalism or strife but deepening our love for the SON. He is worthy of all the glory.

Recently Ashton and I have been blessed with opportunity to investing in the young ladies of Southeast Asia. Since our time is limited we need to be discerning in whom to share the Good News with. We are seeking “People of Peace.” People who desire to hear the stories and the truth of the Son. Too many times we have come across girls who only want to hang out with the white skinned and blonde haired foreigners. We ask that the Believers would lift us up in communication with the Father in this area.

Ashton and I are learning much about the different approach in sharing the Good News. It’s so different here. Talking about the “purpose of life” is such a common conversation vs. America. We ask also for additional communication with the Father in being BOLD in the Word. We desire to be ready with answers and to explain the joy within our lives.

The English Club is growing in numbers here in our overseas home! There has recently been a large amount of females attending. This is very exciting! Before we use to have an overwhelming attendance of males…. This can be difficult when the ratio is 3 females against 12 males….. However, we are looking forward to more time with our new ladies and expecting new relationships with them!

Additional news is the coming of Ashton and I’s parents! They are coming soon! We are thrilled to share with them the work that is being done among us! We are so thankful for their willingness to come alongside us and assist in any way possible. Honestly, encouragement and support from them is a blessing I never want to take for grant it. I’m look forward to seeing how the Good King will use this time in our lives and the lives of the Asian people!

I want to thank all of our supporters in this journey! The Body is a beautiful thing. Being here I am seeing more and more the need for the unity of Believers! Until then continue to live life with your eyes set on the Ultimate Prize! Press On Brothers and Sisters!





Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More of Him Less of Me

Imagine with me would you? Every morning you wake up to a world unfamiliar to your eyes. From the floor you walk on in a foreign house to the smells that float in the breeze as you exit into the open air. The vegetation is decorated with a tropical display that brings songs of melody to your heart and an ocean mist that lingers on your face. You’re surrounded by people with sun kissed skin but possess such beautiful dark chocolate eyes without the reflection of the Son. Their tongue speak of words that are slowly becoming familiar to your new ears, but yet not familiar enough to communicate the True meaning of Life. At moments you’re left with a longing, a desire to know the language in such a way, while other times it brings a drifting heart of doubt. There are days of victories and others nights of defeat. Where is my hope? My hope comes from Him! The Maker of heaven and earth!

 Though finding your niche in a place such as this does not seem settled yet, there is a new perspective on the horizon. You no longer find strength in what you are doing or what you have done or how affective you are, but your strength is found in the shelter of His wing. When you’re resting, trusting and abiding in HIM your focus transitions from your own hands to His feet; when you’re on your knees.

Therefore, by His strength I live in Him and through Him. Let our lives become more like a child’s; dependent on their Father for everything. I will boast in Him alone!

Going back to America the need still remains. Yes the need to proclaim the Good News, and the need to keep my perspective on His feet not my hands. My opportunity for sharing should not be measured by what I can do, but what He is already doing, what He has already done through His Son.

Let this heart rejoice and bring thanksgiving to His name.

Time with the locals has been phenomenal. Ashton and I continue to be active in the English Club as well as building relationships with the locals and our Team. Recently Ashton and I have returned from our travels to another area in the country for our visas. During our visa trip we were able to lodge with our homestay’s relatives. We were blessed in so many ways during this trip. Honestly, it is probably one of the biggest highlights of our overseas experience. This is not primarily due to the sites we experienced or even the food we tried (though it was a sweet addition), but because of our Southeast Asian Homestay Family. Leaving the area of my Homestay’s relatives was very difficult. I felt like I was leaving a place of familiarity, even though I was only there for 3 days. What precious moments these are when you are embraced with the tender arms of my Asian Grandma or holding the hand of my Asian Mom. When their words of love are spoken toward me they resonate within my core. I find my heart growing in a deeper love with every moment spent with them. The Harvest is ready here. I see the soil being tended and prepared. I must be patient. I must wait upon the Great Farmer.

In time, our house is becoming more and more like a home. We have curtains, a stove top, a boxed oven (very interesting oven compared to the American oven. Still don’t know how to work it yet) and a new row of cabinets with a sink that has been recently installed. Here in Southeast Asia you learn a lot about living. But it’s not just learning how to live life in another place. Really you learn about life in general. You learn things about yourself, others, the Father, the Son and the Spirit. Life continues no matter where you are. I’m thankful that the Good King knows me better than I know myself. I have seen that He has placed me here for a purpose. The purpose to bring light into the darkness, proclaim His name, for the Son to become more in my life and less of me, and finally He has brought me here for the continuation in captivating my heart so that I will be even more intimately bound to Him and Him alone.

He alone shall be King over all! Let us Rejoice in His Name!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Moments, Memories and Life in the Making

Finally in our new home! It is a very quant but a humble home in which I am honored to call mine. The roof is made of sky blue shingles with textured cloudy concrete covering the outer walls of the house. Inside the home we have been blessed with many cultural details including a rosy pink tiling for our flooring, squatty potties, and an outdoor kitchen.  Though there are 3 American ladies living here, who have added their own interior décor taste, much of the Southeast Asia influence still remains. I think the two blends of culture complement each other very well. 

As for our neighbors we are very thankful for the intentional neighbors we have. They are already protective of us and eager to be a part of our lives; the older lady right next to us especially. Ohhh how precious this little lady is. Ok so a little background on this woman: She is short, cute, and very very talkative. The interesting thing is is that she doesn’t speak the local language here…. She speaks a tribal language in which I am not familiar with. Therefore, the conversations typically consist of her talking and talking and talking about whatever her little heart desires and us girls smiling and laughing whenever she smiles and laughs. We nod in agreement and frown when appropriate and wrap our arm around her shoulders when she wraps her arm around our waist. Even the other day she brightened our day by exhorting us to the house of the director in our neighborhood. Each neighborhood in our area has a director over the neighborhood. Therefore, when someone is moving in or if there is any issues in the neighborhood the residence must report to the director. She was very funny in the meeting with our director and honestly I don’t even think our director knew what she was talking about the entire time!  I look forward to more moments with her during our stay!

Today, Ashton and I were able to do more motorcycle lessons with our roommate Rachel. The lessons are well needed and very valuable to our skills on the road. However, due to the need for yet more lessons, Ashton and I continue to take the local transportation around our city. Local transportation definitely has its pros and cons. Pros: we always have a story to tell after we get off the local transportation. Another pro is the time where Ashton and I can learn and practice our local language with nationals who ride with us. Though we typically discuss the same things over and over again but I never get tired of same conversations. 

As for the cons they are more targeted toward the extensive time we spend on the public transportation. It takes us almost 3x longer on the public transportation vs. the motorcycle. To say the least Ashton and I are very excited for the day where we can be more independent with our travel and use our time in a different manner. We both agree: time on the local transportation has NOT been a waste of time by any means, but the motorcycle will be a huge blessing to this next transition in our stay here. In ways I will miss our local transportation moments….. Actually to help with such missing I might have to leave my motorcycle at homes some days and jump on the local transportation again.

Life is different here and the Father is using the differences to stretch us in a variety of ways. I continue to ask the Father what it means to live here on a daily basis. I want to “finish the task” He has set before us. Even when I leave this place I do not want to stop being fervent for the Kingdom. My hope is as I am being poured out like an offering here so will I continue to be poured out wherever HE sends me. My motivation and attitude and my desire for the Father should not be based on a place, but my growing understanding and yearning for His Will to be done. I want to work hard for the Father, not in a legalistic way, but in a way that is pleasing to Him. I want my life to be a sweet aroma to my King. I am so thankful He has lifted the veil from my eyes. Because of His Spirit I recognize that He did not just lift that veil from my eyes for my own good, but also so that I can be used as a vessel for His purpose in unveiling the eyes of others. He is my strength, my hope and the very reason I am alive. By His workings in my heart, I deepen my love and longing for the Son. Let this life be “More of Him and Less of Me.”